A tax assessed and levied by a local authority such as a county or municipality. A local tax is usually collected in the form of property taxes, and is used to fund a wide range of civic services from garbage collection to sewer maintenance. The amount of local taxes may vary widely from one jurisdiction to the next.
Unlike federal or state taxes, the benefits arising from local taxes are generally apparent at the community level. Municipalities have to face a constant balancing act with regards to levying local taxes, since rising taxes may lead to “taxpayer revolt,” while low taxation levels may lead to a cutback of essential services.

We use every cash flow and dividend to rebalance your portfolio, which reduces the need to sell shares. This can lower your capital gains tax over time, and maintains the risk and return of your portfolio.
Key aspects of our strategy
A full range of Life, Serious Illness, Income Protection, Pension Term, and Unit Linked Comparative Quotes plus Business Assurance reports, and Health Insurance comparisons.
Product Fact Sheets and a full Comparative study of products covering Unit Linked Bonds, With Profit Bonds, Tracker Bonds, Deposit Products, Guaranteed Bonds and Regular Savings.
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